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Server to Cloud: A Step-by-Step Guide

Migrating from on-premise servers to the cloud is a major endeavor that requires careful planning and execution. Done right, it can enhance performance, scalability, and operational efficiency. This guide will walk through key considerations for ensuring a smooth and successful server-to-cloud transition.

Assign the Role of Migration Architect

The Migration Architect position must be established for a successful on-premises to cloud migration. The individual is in charge of overseeing and carrying out the migration strategy and making sure that all of its elements are in line with performance and business objectives.

Select the Cloud Integration Level

Businesses must choose their degree of cloud integration before undergoing a cloud migration.

When migrating to the cloud, there are two options: shallow integration and deep integration. You can ask cloud migration services and solutions for advice so they can help you figure out how best to proceed.

  • Shallow refers to moving stuff about without really changing anything. Although it's more affordable and quicker, you could only get a portion of the cloud's advantages.
  • Deep integration refers to making adjustments to your apps so they function better in the cloud, ultimately saving you money.

Using A Single Or Multiple Clouds

You have a choice of one or more cloud providers when making the switch. While using one is simpler to handle, it might have limitations. Although using multiples offers you more safety and more alternatives, managing multiples is more effort.

Establish Performance Baselines and Cloud KPIs

Establishing performance benchmarks and KPIs is essential for gauging the effectiveness of cloud migration.
Choose what you wish to enhance before moving, such as the loading speed of your website. It assists you in monitoring your development and ensuring the success of your transfer.

Sort Migration Components by Priority

Set a priority list for the components you should migrate to the cloud first. It could be the most important data or a fundamental system, such as the main activities of a bank.

Determine which data is urgently and critically important for daily operations and which ones should be on premise to cloud migration first.

Execute Refactoring

Refactoring is the process of making an application's current code more suitable for the cloud. By improving the efficiency, scalability, and resilience of applications, it contributes to both cost savings and performance gains.

Refactoring involves things like changing an application to function well with different instances that are already running. Applications may go from having a monolithic design to one that makes use of distributed microservices thanks to it. In the cloud, you have agility and flexibility.

Draft a Plan for Data Migration

A solid data migration strategy is essential. Make a list of everything you own and then safely transfer it all to the cloud. After that, update your outdated systems so they function better in your new house.

Change Over Production

It's time to go into production once all required testing and preparation are finished. Before making a transition, test everything gradually to lower the possibility of problems.


Approaching cloud migrations with structured project planning and phased transitions smoothens the journey and mitigates crippling business disruptions from failed efforts. While complex, successful server-to-cloud migrations deliver transformational gains.

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Last Updated 4 months ago

About the Author

Communication Square drives your firm to digital horizons. With a digital footprint across the globe, we are trusted to provide cloud users with ready solutions to help manage, migrate, and protect their data.

Communication Square LLC

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